
Think about a question, situation or person for the topic you choose (Love, Work, Friendship or Money).

Click on the image below each deck to shuffle the cards:

Then click on the image to show the letter:

Then click on the letter to read its meaning.

Tarot For Love

  • Present Situation

    Here we have tremendous power of the creative imagination and with this the final struggle before the goal is reached. The creative spirit in human beings cannot be controlled or bent to our will, it is a force that cannot be shaken, it is our strength and stability. Our vitality, radiance and light. The happiness and joy of being honest to oneself, the will to live is at the same time the ability to inspire others. Although it is a state of exhaustion – take this final challenge – you are almost home. With hope and being open to knowledge you can complete this journey. A mystery comes up, detachment of the psyche, understanding is happening.
    Negative: Cruelty through extreme egoistically self-detachment.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    This card is about having the emotional strength to withdraw and find inner truth, to have good feelings about oneself and one’s values, even if there is shyness, shame, innocence and uncertainty. This inhibition brings a slowing down, discipline and new consideration; the entry to new emotional expression. Like the duality of day and night we understand the duality of love and hate and can let go of past hope in resignation and sadness so this opens up a transformation of our old attitudes. It is acceptance of an ending and bowing down towards the will of the divine. With this submission to that which is greater, death and transformation can happen, out of depression and mourning we go empty-handed into the unknown.
    Negative: Indolence, cold self-interest and detachment, blackmail the partner in the hope of a response.

  • Obstacles

    Release of creative energy after the anxieties and struggles of the seven have been overcome. You can see conflict stimulates the imagination, it is an eruption of new visions, vibrant energy like light and electricity. Through active imagination, enthusiasm and swiftness but also through hard work accomplishment will happen, the motion brings insights and confidence constituting matter. Suddenly the born artist comes up, the painter, writer, actor and musician with fruitful creative activity – an accomplishment of the competitive instincts. He is enjoying a position of prominence, fame and esteem.
    Negative: Being trapped by your own reputation, violent but not lasting.

  • Result

    Love, happy relationship, harmony and melting, receptivity, sweetness of youth, vitality and feeling, flirtation, a holiday romance with no commitments – all this represents a desire for openness and honesty. It is an initial meeting between active and passive, man and woman, projecting itself on to something or someone outside. In that other we see a glimpse of what we ourselves are in process of becoming. Chance for humanizing and to see the potential for immortality, which can lift the human love to a higher and more spiritual level.
    Negative: A regretted one-night stand.

Tarot For Work

  • Present Situation

    The weapons – which have to be used with intelligence, foresight and planning. Here we have the mind capacity to integrate both dark and light with logic, diplomacy and cleverness. The capacity to make choices based upon reflection, holding the instincts in control. The willingness to battle for principles rather than passions, not influenced by personal desire. The necessity of building one’s own character, which helps to deal with the great range of life’s experiences. Justice is not possible unless we respect fairness and truth as important ethical principles rather than a nice behavior which we adopt because we want to be liked by others. Honesty, balance, order and organization are necessary for decisions and the real power, which comes from insight.
    Negative: cool, too idealistic and too destructive to the warmth of personal relationship.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    The battle with the dragon, where the creative vision has collided with earthly reality – the primitive power – is now rebellion for change. Sometimes one is being forced into a new situation or it is a challenge from an unexpected source. This irrational energy brings trouble on the concrete level and asks to use instincts and intuition, the feeling of how the laws of material world operate. Compromises must be made while still retaining the integrity of the original vision. This means strife and this show-fight is a challenge to express power of creative imagination.
    Negative: Violence, cruelty, fear of failure, deep apathy, resisting change.

  • Obstacles

    Associated with the lion we have an image of courage, strength and self-discipline of totally egocentric beginnings of a unique individuality. It’s the “me first drive” which will happily destroy anyone or anything in its path, so long as one’s own gratification is assured. This lesson of harnessing one’s aggression and directing it toward a creative end. Will courage pride and labor, going for it for the lust of life. Strength applied to joyful purpose. Through such an experience we come in contact with the beast but also with the hero, emerging from this contest with trust in oneself and integrity towards others. The lion within is the image of the infantile savage and royalty, interpreted as vigor.
    Negative: Repressed instinct without any transformation, leaving behind a strong shell within a soul without passion and without a true identity.

  • Result

    This is the end of a phase in one’s emotional life. The dual potential of poison and healing are coming together to enjoy the fruits, the life. Emotions suppressed for a long time can no longer be denied, with a second sight self-knowledge will bring honesty and humility, peace and satiety. The cup is overflowing, this deep love is the union with the divine. Loving another person opens the heart to love life itself, life has meaning and purpose and a larger, brighter world appears before one’s vision – the connection with our own soul. Here comes ecstasy of the reunion of the lovers, conscious union of two loving but separate partners. It is an immortal status, not only personal and sensual dimension but a spiritual one as well.
    Negative: Money, sex, alcohol or drugs as an escape, rigid, delay the inevitable crises.

Tarot For Friendship

  • Present Situation

    Here the sun comes with vital energy, health, generosity, clarity, self-confidence, success and material wealth. It is again the masculine energy with the plan for the future, to move forward, an image of the power of consciousness to dispel the darkness with optimism and renewed trust. A combination of one who knows and a healer who understands the pattern of life. This creative energy can also speak through music, a transpersonal voice. The sun brings satisfaction, contentment, friends and marriage, innocence of childhood, happiness and is freedom and eternity. It is the ideal of perfection – the triumph.
    Negative: The burning heat of the sun can destroy, for one who does not respect nature’s law.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    The receptivity representing feelings and emotions. The feminine beauty with its pure charm and harmony has an overwhelming heart and the desire to express deep feelings with the urge toward relationship, bringing joy and passion. It is a great release of emotional raw energy after a period of control. It represents the unconscious, the “dark side of the moon”. Productivity, plenty, sentimental ties, deep love for one self.
    Negative: Jealous, lazy, gullibility, vindictive, deceitful and treacherous.

  • Obstacles

    Victory, triumph – a clear break through – cause of combination of power, the balance of masculine and feminine qualities. The pleasure of receiving recognition for one’s achievements or some piece of creative work. Also satisfaction and confidence in one’s abilities and promotion after dedicated work. Action and consciousness has taken form and is a benediction to harmony and beauty. With this ecstasy we reach a sensation of eternity beyond the body. Gate of initiation.
    Negative: Using one’s reputation to bully and domineer others.

  • Result

    An attractive personality, a lover and a “heart-throb”. It might be a new relationship, a new quality of feeling within a relationship, even the birth of a child. This delicate quality must be nurtured or it can rapidly vanish. It’s about seeing the pleasure life gives rather than the pain after a lost love and the discovery of one’s own worthiness of being loved.
    Negative: Selfishness.

Tarot For Money

  • Present Situation

    A quiet time of withdrawal and contemplation, a period of introversion and reflection, of emotional recuperation after the outbreak of conflict in the Three. It means accept solitude and rest from sorrow so peace of mind and liberation can happen. Here we have conventional thinking, being confident that one’s traditional approach will resolve all demanding situations. Dogma, law, truce and compromise for social harmony.
    Negative: Isolation, prison, loneliness, rigidity and conformity of mind, inflexible views and ideas, bigotry.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Good foundation have been laid, enthusiasm is high, new plans must be put in action, hard work is ahead. Optimism and satisfaction out of actual accomplishment, the establishment of primeval energy has strength and virtue. Here we have cultural meetings, outgoing with inner visions getting the appreciation hoped for in achievement. This fertile and flexible growth from solid groundwork is a cause for celebration.
    Negative: Moral, conceit, not willing to finish a potential idea to realize it totally, unfinished projects.

  • Obstacles

    The imagination itself to create new better forms comes with sudden movement with extraordinary effort. The spirit of thunder stimulates visions, a test of one’s faith in oneself. The individual is challenged to improve upon and develop his or her project in the face of an envious and competitive world and needs to learn to value ambition and competitive instinct. Rebellion and sudden freedom needs no compromises, it needs valor, bravery and departure from normal behavior in order to carry out the deed, the outrageously new.
    Negative: Struggle with other people’s creative ideas, stiff competition.

  • Result

    This is the experience of great fear and anxiety, a nightmare where the sheer power of fantasy is frightening and painful. And then there are guilt feelings because of destructive fantasies and expectations of terrible future outcome. This self punishment includes the fear that a loved one will reject us, or die, or leave us for another, terror of loneliness, illness or isolated old age. The frightening visions are also about financial catastrophe or loss or the collapse of a creative project – the break down is endless cause we believe in misfortune and despair, we are enslaved by them. This fanaticism leads towards passion and sacrifice and transforming thinking, the ability to present a meaningful philosophy, it becomes worship of something higher – the enlightenment.
    Negative: Agony.